Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Pros And Cons Of High School Students - 1155 Words

One of the problems teachers in America fear with students is whether they should have a job. Most students, in their junior and senior year of high school, have part-time jobs. However, junior year and senior year claims to be the busiest years of a high school student. So particularly, teachers feel as if students shouldn’t work too much or they shouldn’t work at all being that they may overwork themselves or not stay focus on school. Students should have the benefit of working through high school if it’s going to be beneficial later in life or college even if they have to go through some setbacks or lessons learned. Being that most teens want to work during their high school journey, they have to understand that there are pros and†¦show more content†¦Getting a job in high school and having a rà ©sumà ©, it won’t actually be too many jobs on the list so in that case, it’s not going to exactly qualify as genuine work involvement. Most teens would most likely be working at fast-food restaurants, cashiers, babysitters, and etc. There are a few jobs that won’t have a high pay, but it’ll be enough just for a high school student working. Having time management is very import in today’s generation. Being a high school student and having a job at the same time will definitely be beneficial for future references. It teaches them how boost their self-esteem, credit hours, and be responsible like an adult. Time management is basically what takes over being a high school student. It’s the most important idea in high school. Learning how to manage more than one thing at a time will only be helpful for when the student is about to start their college life. It’s like the student is starting ahead of time while they’re in high school so they can know what to expect in college. In high school and having a job could be less more difficult than having a job in college. In college, you’re going to deal with more credit hours, more duties and have more life experiences. Most people get excited when they get a job. Sometimes, the excitement can become into stress. Being a high school student can overall be stressful alone. Wanting a job and dealing with school is only adding more weight onto some that may not can handle alone. WithShow MoreRelatedPros Of Rural, Suburban, And Urban Public Schools1240 Words   |  5 PagesPros and Cons of Pros of Rural, Suburban, and Urban Public Schools. I. Introduction. A. As one looks at different locations of public schools, whether it be rural, suburban, or urban, one can find many pros and cons of each. This research will focus on one specific pro and con of each school. B. Rural schools while receive less funding than other schools are able to give their students more one on one attention. C. 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